

There can be a tendency to overlook the viewpoints and existence of African-American young Christians on matters that pertain to their full personhood as young, black, male (or female), and Christian. Although it is most likely done unintentionally, we seem to negate or undervalue one or more of these aspects of personhood for the sake of just focusing on the one or two particular aspects that we hold as most important. Hardly is there ever a holistic perspective that does its best to consider all the aspects of a person of this type.

Uncommon Brother exists as a space for me to express my sole perspective on experiences, matters, and subjects that are relevant to my fully-encompassing embodiment as a maturing African-American man of Christian convictions. By highlighting each of the attributes that ultimately and uncompromisingly work together to make me who I am, the totality of my personhood can be recognized and valued. This effort is not done for self-glory. It is done to encourage those of a similar existence whose experiences often go unaddressed.

Although I am only one voice, I also believe that there are many other brothers—and sisters—who share similar feelings and experiences as I do. Moreover, I also recognize that there are individuals who are unlike me in one way or another, but can still relate. Regardless of your background or life experience, I welcome you to join me on this journey as we seek to live uncommon in a world that is structured to limit us to a life of commonality and conformity. 


Brother Rob is a twenty-something who is navigating the peaks and valleys of young adulthood. As an African-American male with a unique experience, unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, and an uncommon approach to life, his hope is to encourage those whose journeys through life are just as uncommon as his, and to influence others who are willing to listen to one voice among many that is not often heard.

Born in raised in the American South, Brother Rob is a product of the public school system, a proud alumnus of an HBCU, and a recent divinity school graduate. He is an aspiring visual artist, designer, writer, and minister with a desire to inspire and empower individuals through his God-given gifts. In addition, he is a self-proclaimed stylish gentleman who is a lover of Rhythm & Praise (R&P) music and likes to geek out on Power Rangers. Get to know him.

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